Apatite is associated with Libra. It is a beautiful stone, that comes in shades varying from opaque, to yellow, stunning blue, violet or green. It is one of Emma Chapman's favorite stones. It can be found in Burma, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Russia, Canada, East Africa, Sweden, Spain and Mexico. In healing it can be used to counter stress overload that can lead to burnout. It eases difficult relationships at work and home, and releases the idea of deserving to suffer, by releasing grief for oneself and the state of the world. It aids letting go of pain to accept peace and joy, to appreciate the beauty of the Earth. It also aids the immune system and allows one to accept love comfort, support and self. It helps with improving the body image, aids in healing protective obesity and will strengthen teeth and bones and help prevent bone thinning. It is helpful for weight loss and for controlling appetite, It lifts apathy, helps to clear confused thoughts and improves memory and concentration.
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